Uttu Aavas: Composer, Multi-instrumentalist & Vocals
Luisa Dovalo: Vocals
Ninni: Backing vocals
Other articles on A&B:
- Starlight Origin Review
- A&B -
So, if you had to describe what Uttu and Starlight Origin are to someone who has never heard of ambient music what would you say ?
- UTTU -
UTTU is a ambient music ensemble from Finland; Starlight Origin is a album of UTTU in progressive / ambient music styles.
UTTU's Ambient music is inspired by Nature, Space and Fantasy.
- A&B -
What can you say about the making of “Starlight Origin”?
- UTTU -
Well, Starlight Origin is a studioalbum, a long period project.
Recorded between the years 2004-2006 at Uttu Music Studio.
Actually the studio was were I lived back then, on an island called Rymättylä in west cost of Finland. Producing of the album was a huge amount of work for me.
I was recording the album as my daily work. Sometimes all night long, when inspiration got me.
And then woke up the next day and continued working again.
I recorded the album in periods starting from April 2004 to September 2006.
Singer Luisa Dovalo visited often my studio, and with her, we recorded the most of the vocals.
Also with Ninni, we recorded some backing vocals. Recording the Starlight Origin album wasalso my lifestyle of that time, living in natural surroundings with my dog. And enjoying my time, of cource.
- A&B -
Listening to your music I found out a lot of elements that remind me of Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze.
- UTTU -
Yeah, one other reviewer found also connection to Tangerine Dream.
- A&B -
Do you mind telling us something about the music that has influenced the making of this record ?
- UTTU -
I'm deeply infulenced by celtic type of music. I also listen lot of world music and ambient style music, of cource. After playing many years in progressive style bands,
I naturally found my own way of composing.
- A&B -
The titles of the songs talks about nature and science.
- UTTU -
That's true. Those are biggest source of my inspiration when composing. And let me add Fantasy and Arts also to that list.
- A&B -
Could you explain us what is the role that nature plays in the making of your music?
- UTTU -
Well, I think nature plays the main role.
Starlight Origin was recorded in natural surroundings on an Island. I think, it can be heard in the music also.
- A&B -
How much your Scandinavian origin influences your music ?
- UTTU -
More than I can imagine, I think. Someway it gives a spice from the north to my music.
- A&B -
What about your song-writing? How your songs come to live?
- UTTU -
I think myself as more composer than lyric writer. For that reason my music is more instrumental.
Making of a song is a long process, indeed. First melodys appear to my mind. Then the rhythms ...
I usually whistle or hum the tunes to my pocket-recorder. After this, I make raw compositions to my computer. And then the thinking of the final sounds and moods start. That is the basic process of making a song for me. The recording of a song is a another process as itself.

- A&B -
You have made this record by yourself, in your studio, in your house. It seems like you want to be apart from the music industry.
- UTTU -
The Starlight Origin album is produced completely independent. For that there's many reasons.
In Finland there are not many record labels for this kinda music. Also, when we started recording this album. I had a strong vision, how this album should sound and how it should be produced. However, at the moment we are searching for international record labels for co-operation.
In the future, we are also looking for promotion contacts and distribution channels for Starlight Origin to countries like Italy, Spain and France. We belive, in these countries, there would be lots of listeners for UTTU.
- A&B -
What do you think about the music business ? Do you think it is suffocating music ?
- UTTU -
I think the music business is changing all the time. There are many indie-labels producing good music today.
So, the music listeners make the change happen, with their choises.
- A&B -
Do you trust in internet as a way of musical delivery ?
- UTTU -
Internet is a good place for contacting interesting people. But if you ask me, I still like buying music on vinyls and CDs rather than MP3's. I like the visual art and look of the records.
- A&B -
Looking back in the past, is there a particular event that made you say “I’m going to be a musician?”
- UTTU -
Well, I've been envolved with music, videos and other arts since I was a little boy. I've always wanted to create something artistic. After everyone else went for further studies and different jobs. I kinda decided to record music as my main work. And here we are now.
- A&B -
What are your interests besides music ?
- UTTU -
Spiritual things and creating arts mostly.
I'm into photography and making videos.
- A&B -
Are you thinking about performing live Starlight Origin ?
- UTTU -
Actually some smaller promotional shows have been allready performed live with Starlight Origin here in Finland. Maybe not bigger shows yet. It takes so much effort and money to build up the bigger shows. Starlight Origin is mainly a studioalbum. I was thinking of keeping it that way.
But maybe I'll fix some live events for the future.
I have few good ideas in my pocket. =)
- A&B -
What's in the future for you ?
- UTTU -
Promotions with Starlight Origin album continue
and getting contacted with interesting people worldwide.
We are also looking for interesting record labels for UTTU
as I told earlier, for further musical co-operation and global promotion. Starlight Origin is now published by our own Uttu Music Label. Album is now available on netstores, shipping worldwide.
- A&B -
Thank you very much, we are all looking forward to hear more music from you…
Do you want to say something to all our readers?
- UTTU -
Keep up the good spirit everyone !
and please visit
for hearing music from the Starlight Origin - the mystic source.
Uttu Aavas