- "Walk on Water EP" review.
- "She (2CD Version)" review.
- "She (DVD Version)" review.
- A&B -
Hello, Agnieszka! A great “welcome” on A&B.
- Agnieszka Swita -
It is a pleasure.
- A&B -
How it has been working with a Progressive Rock's “sacred monster” as Clive Nolan ?
- Agnieszka Swita -
It has been a sacred experience and one of a kind surely. Not monstrous at all and very inspirational. It has been a great working relationship that evolved over time and I truely believe we create a perfect creative nucleus.
- A&B -
Your vocal performance has really been optimal, but, seeing opera on DVD, I remained very surprised for your “actress” performance, your movements and expressions … Have you ever attended a recitation school ?
- Agnieszka Swita -
I wish I had. But unfortunately the answer is no. Whatever I did on stage came straight from my heart and passion for what we do. I love being Ayesha I love performing. The audience knows the truth feels my emotions when I sing. Singing is a way of communicating, it is a universal language that knows no geographical boundries. I know people understand what I sing even if they don’t know the language. It is a special bond between us.

- A&B -
What were your musical experiences before Caamora project ?
- Agnieszka Swita -
I was busy trying to figure out what it was that I wanted to do. I belive Caamora was meant to be. Everything I had done before used to fall apart rather swiftly. Everything B.C. (Before Caamora)
- A&B -
How “She” ’s preparation and writing have been organized, about your role in the opera ?
- Agnieszka Swita -
The She idea has always existed in Clive’s head and came to life when we met. Writing was really easy and the music seemed to be just pouring out every time we met. Then we got to the point when actually we had so much material that some music just had to go simply because She could not last more than 2 hours!
All the material was demoed with my vocals before we got to the studio. We decided we wanted to give it some time to evolve and we kept changing musical details until the very last moment. I remember sending off a final version to our Record Label... and calling them the next day only to tell them to put it straight into a bin! The point was Clive had a great idea and we both felt very strong about. It has been almost three years from the moment we started till the release date.
- A&B -
I think having performed “She” for the first time in a theatre of your country (Slaski Theatre in Katowice) has been very important for you; then, I ask to you too: “What are been your emotions before appearing on stage ?”
- Agnieszka Swita -
I had been so busy focusing on one thousand technical issues like head mikes and in-ear monitoring that I almost forgot to worry! It felt great being there and singing to all those wonderful people who came to see us about everlasting love , passion, immortality... . I felt really honoured ... and completly entranced. I lost myself to Ayesha.

- A&B -
I ask to you the same question I asked to Clive: some songs are, in my opinion, real little jewels, like “Ambush”, “Cursed”, “The sand of time”… Is there a part in the whole “She” epopee that is particularly important and lovable for you and why ?
- Agnieszka Swita -
Ayesha is a compex character who has different sides, puts on differet faces, moods. That meant I could be a strong leader, a fragile woman, helpless an lost human being, everlasting queen... I could sing out each emotion, every aspect of Ayesha using different voices...and I loved every minute on stage!
There are parts of the rock opera that I feel very strong about. You have to remember that She took THREE years of my life! And during that time I also live as Agnieszka Swita as well as Ayesha so at some point I began to assosiate people I met over time and particular events in my life with songs... They are immortal in a way because I think about them when I start the song.
- A&B -
What has been the effect on you during the interpretation of a character as Ayesha, immortal lover? Do you see yourself near or far from her being?
- Agnieszka Swita -
I think of Ayesha as a methaphor. Can you imagine waiting for 2000 years for you loved one to return , hoping at sunrise and being deep in despair at night...? Wanting somebody so much that it hurts ? Can you envisage eternity without love ? The pointless existance ?
When you are really passionate about something it affects you and changes you turns your world upside down ....I think you can find a bit of it in yourself, can’t you ? I certainly can...So... I hope everyone can feel passionate at least for once in their lifetime. That is how you know you lived.
- A&B -
Will your future still be linked to Caamora ? Will the project be continued or is there also other stuff in your immediate future ?
- Agnieszka Swita -
My voice is a voice of Caamora. Clive and myself will go on and on...

- A&B -
Who is Agnieszka Swita beyond music world? Hobbies, passions… How do you spend your free time ?
- Agnieszka Swita -
I am exacly the person you think I am. There is no other world beyond.
- A&B -
Have you got a dream to be still realize ?
- Agnieszka Swita -
I consider myself very lucky...I entered my dream world when I met Clive and our music jurney began. So I will be living that dream as long as there are people who want to come and listen ...and indeed ask such interesting questions.
- A&B -
Thank you, Agnieszka, for dedicating your time to us and congratulations for your beautiful voice and your optimal interpretation.