Altri articoli su A&B:
- Hybrid Review - 2009
- A&B -
Hola, Tiago! First of all, I would like to offer my personal congratulations for your record as well as for the CD, because it has really seemed to me a valid work. We can begin with a short biography by yourself, for the people that still don’t know anything about your bright career.
- Tiago della Vega –
Thanks, I left back many things that a normal person does in his life to devote myself to music, and I’m glad to receive compliments. I started to play guitar when I was 5 and I played up to 14 hours per day until the age of 14, when I started to study in the biggest Sierra Gaucha conservatory. In 2005 my video “38 bps” was published in YouTube and it quickly achieved 2000 visitors a day and it gave me the invitation to Guinness World Record. And as you just say in the introduction finally in 2008 I performed “the flight of the bumblebee” at 320 bpm in front of the Guinness World Record judges, thanks to this performance in the same year I travelled thru the World, from Japan to Europe, and in the meantime I started to compose Hybrid, my first album.
- A&B -
“Hybrid” is a perfect title for your album, because it stands in a refined equilibrium between different musical genres, as progressive rock, jazz, ethnic, classical music and hard rock: such variety surely shows your huge versatility, but I would like to know if you have a favourite style between the ones I have written.
- Tiago della Vega –
I like all musical genres, I love classical music, Mozart and Paganini most of all, but everyone knows that in the world of metal classical music very abused, so I find more interesting to mix other genres in my music, including Brazilian music. Samba, Bossa nova, and other styles of my country strongly influence the life of every Brazilian.
- A&B -
Do you think you will record an album based on one musical genre, for example through the development of a mood contained in “Hybrid”?
- Tiago della Vega –
No, I don’t. “Hybrid” is my musical style.
- A&B -
I have a musical background based on hard rock and heavy metal, so I would like to know if you listen this kind of music. I am particularly referring to some very technical branches: according to me, your touch would be very appreciated by both power and prog metal supporters.
- Tiago della Vega –
Sure, I also played with some Brazilian Metal bands before to start my soloist career. At the present I listen to a lot of music without preferences, I think there’s a right music to listen to for every emotion a person could feels.

- A&B -
You have recently played in Europe; could you compare Italian audience and other countries’ spectators?
- Tiago della Vega –
In each country there are some good fans and some not so good, but usually the audience is friendly everywhere.
- A&B -
Do you esteem any Italian artist, from the past or from the present? Have you ever collaborate with an Italian musician?
- Tiago della Vega –
I don’t know so well Italian musical scene, I’d never collaborated with any Italian artist.
- A&B -
What are your future plans? Do you actually think to a tour or to a new album?
- Tiago della Vega –
I just come back from The Hybrid Tour. At the present I’m working on my second album.
- A&B -
Apart from your personal experience, I remember at least two bands coming from Brazil and reaching world-wide fame, that is Angra and Sepultura. What kind of force is able to create such electric pulse in a country like yours, which is mainly known for other musical traditions?
- Tiago della Vega –
As I said, the traditional Brazilian musical styles are deep-rooted in every Brazilian, but Brazil is also a lot of other things, it’s the fifth most populous country in the world, so there’s enough space for all!
- A&B -
I would like to listen your opinion about three of my favourite guitar heroes: Ritchie Blackmore, Eddie Van Halen and Yngwie Malmsteen.
- Tiago della Vega –
In the past I listened to a lot of “guitar heroes” music, now I’ve my little space and I don’t want to interfere in the spaces of the others.
- A&B -
Is there a guitarist, living or dead, having a particular influence over your style? Naturally, I am referring to the whole musical universe, not only to hard rock and heavy metal world.
- Tiago della Vega –
A lot of musicians, not only guitarists, influenced me. But in my forming the most important guitarists were Van Halen and Steve Vai.
- A&B -
Your Conservatory studies clearly emerge in some “Hybrid” symphonic structures. Not only in Italy, but in the whole Europe, a great number of young people grows up together with reality shows’ TV miseducation, thinking life is an eternal entertainment. In my opinion, a man who has reached fourteen hours of daily study, as you are, knows what sacrifice means, so you could be the right person to send an advise to these people.
- Tiago della Vega –
I devoted my life to music, but it isn’t a sacrifice cause I love music. It’s my choose for life. But when I was younger I didn’t need to sleep a lot, 3 hourse every night was enough, so also studying 14 hours I still had some time to spent with my friends! However I think isn’t sufficient to appear in a TV show to become a good musician, maybe you can gain a moment of celebrity, but you can’t be recognized (and remembered) as a good musician.
- A&B -
Tiago, this is enough. I thank you very much for your disposability and the interest towards Artists and Bands. We hope our website will receive very soon some good news about your career; meanwhile, I ask you for a salute to our followers.
- Tiago della Vega –
Thanks you too! I hope to see you early in Italy! I want also thanks SG Records (, and remember to follow me on MySpace (